Language  anglais  allemagne   france

Bird . Club . Pontivy        

Who are we?

We are men and women who love birds, who have become, through circumstance, amateur breeders. It’s a way of relaxing, learning, creating and meeting new people.

“We carry out this activity as an expression of a true passion, in the capacity of amateurs”

Although the majority of us do not have any in-depth scientific training, we have acquired an expertise and knowledge of indigenous and exotic species thanks to the results of shared experience through generations of amateur breeders.

Our competence is born of traditional techniques, which are perfected each day by integrating the most current information from animal production science. Our breeding farms are of variable and different significance according to the different types bred. They are adapted to the availability of each one. This is a familial pastime. It’s above all a ‘sentimental’ and cultural activity which isn’t about making money.

One in seven households owns birds, and 50,000 breeders are grouped in associations. We function according to the proper rules for associations established with the ‘law of 1901’. The association structure put in place allows a framework and a management of amateur breeders. It is the link between amateur breeders, providing them with information. It assures the organisation of diverse shows (exhibitions, local, regional, national and international competitions), technical meetings (specialist clubs, monthly meetings, etc.).

What do we do?

We are trying to master the reproduction of numerous species of birds (Psittacines, Columbines, etc.) some of which are in a critical situation in their natural habitat.

Each year we breed birds which are identified thanks to the use of the marking system of circular, closed metal bands.

Our goal is to establish reproductive and domesticated stocks of lots of these species, with the aim of a production in numbers destined to substitute or limit the reduction in nature. Our activities assure the prosperity of stable stocks in captivity, destined for approved breeding. We contribute thus, in our own way and at our own level, to the protection of the natural heritage and to the development of social relations via a cultural exchange between bird breeders of different ages and social backgrounds

Emma Paulo
Holding & Paulo Ltd

Parc des expositions, Halles Safire

Local de l'association

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